Planning Applications

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ECL’s experienced and knowledgeable planning consultants can guide you through the whole planning application process to ensure as smooth a journey as possible. 

We can act as a planning agent to assist you with your planning application, whether you are a small business, national or international company.


The Planning Application Process

Planning applications can seem at times to be a tortuous and costly process to gaining approval, however, it doesn’t have to be that way.

A planning application can be a straightforward process providing due consideration is given to planning policy and following the correct process.

There are key planning policies, some are national, some are local and it is these policies that must form the cornerstone of any application. They provide an insight into what the Local Planning Authority require from developments.

But it’s not just the policy, there are other factors to consider:

  • Terminology – Using the right terminology is also important, words such as sustainability, access, inclusivity, will all make a difference in how an application will be perceived;
  • Specify – don’t say “a large number of jobs will be created” when you could say “over 250 jobs will be created in the construction phase, with 50 jobs created over the operational life of the development”;
  • Sincerity – if there will be effects of a development, no matter how small, don’t say, there will be no impact – this leaves the application open to challenge, explain what impacts there will be and quantify them;
  • Drawings – all applications need a site plan and block plan as a minimum, these must have the planning application boundary clearly marked, in red;
  • Consultation – early consultation is key, whether that be with the planning officer, local councillors or your neighbours, explain what is being proposed, foresee the concerns and address them as early as possible.


How ECL Can Help

ECL can provide a range of planning services from an initial appraisal of a site, through to the preparation of planning applications for Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects.

Our planning consultants can undertake an initial review of a development site to understand any potential constraints and review relevant planning policy and history to devise the correct planning approach.

Our experience on a wide range of planning applications allow us to guide our clients through the planning process, offering as much or little support as is needed.

Our consultants often take an innovative approach to overcome potential issues associated with applications to optimise the development potential of a site, therefore, providing a planning service that endeavours to add value where possible.

We can either provide total project management of the planning application process or work in conjunction with other project team members or technical consultants.


Specific Planning Application Services

ECL offers a diverse range of planning services, covering such areas as applications within Wales, England and Scotland; pre-application advice and liaison with the Local Planning Authority, preparation of Screening Requests, preparation of Scoping Requests; and preparing Environmental Impact Assessments including specialist technical studies required to form an Environmental Statement. EIA Chapters can include:

  • Air quality
  • Human health
  • Landscape and visual
  • Noise, transport
  • Ecology
  • Geotechnical and contaminated land
  • Drainage and flooding
  • Archaeological and cultural heritage
  • Climate change
  • Socio-economic
  • Cumulative impact
  • Alternative assessment


Our expert planning consultants can also help with the production of Environmental Statements and Non-Technical Summary, public consultation, Preparation of Planning Application Drawings, completion of application forms and the preparation of supporting documentation such as:

  • Waste Planning Statements
  • Statutory Notices
  • Statutory Advertisements
  • Pre-application Consultation Reports
  • Statements of Common Ground


We also regularly provide advice on planning policy, the identification and assessment for potential development sites, appropriate assessments for developments affecting European designated conservation sites and lawful development certificates.

Following a successful planning application, ECL will then complete the loop by assisting our clients with the Discharge Of Planning Conditions which may have been imposed. This will ensure successful and lawful development. This may involve:


Your Planning Applications Specialists

ECL strongly believe that our range of expertise across social, economic and environmental issues enables us to understand all factors that should be relevant to a planning decision. Our experienced consultants will guide you through the entire planning application process to provide strategic and informed advice.

ECL’s expert planning consultants and planning agents have a strong track record of success which has been gained by applying consistently high standards to gathering robust evidence and site appraisals. This ensures that we can provide honest advice on the prospects of success, how prospects can be improved, or if necessary, advise not to proceed.

The key to any successful application is to present the proposal in a way that accentuates its positive aspects whilst at the same time complying with the maze of policy. Our consultants are experts in managing the dialogue when it comes to presenting projects to the public and members of committees alike.

With our involvement we can aid your project from its inception, therefore safeguarding against potential future problems, thus saving you both time and money and also help maintain environmental compliance throughout your project via our vast range of services including Air Quality, Environmental Monitoring, ongoing Occupational Hygiene and Environmental Permitting.

ECL aims to help all clients with the difficult decisions they need to take and to work with them through the implementation of those decisions to achieve optimum success.

Whether you’re a small business or a large multi-national company looking to improve or expand, ECL can help.

Contact ECL via our Enquiry Form or call us on 01443 801215 for any queries regarding our wide range of applications and Environmental Consultancy Services, environmental impact assessments, or discharge of planning condition services.


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