Part A1 Environmental Permits

Part A1 Environmental Permit Applications ECL Banner

ECL’s team of Environmental Permitting specialists have a proven track record in successfully securing Part A1 Environmental Permits and guiding clients through Part A1 Environmental Permit Applications in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

The ECL team have a wealth of regulatory, operational and industrial knowledge having worked both in industry and as Environmental Regulators in the Environment Agency, Natural Resources Wales (formerly Environment Agency Wales) and Local Authority.

Collectively the team have over 80 years of permitting experience and work on behalf of a huge range of clients from individuals through to large multi-national limited companies in the private sector to public organisations.


Part A1 Environmental Permit Applications

We routinely act on behalf of our clients in liaising with regulators on a variety of Environmental Permitting aspects and regulatory matters including issues relating to Air Quality, Bioaerosols, Dust and Particulate, NoiseSmoke Bomb Testing, Odour, and Stack Height Determination.

ECL’s permitting team have extensive experience in a significant number of sectors in environmental permitting which include sites undertaking the following activities:

  • The treatment of animal and vegetable matter and food industries – fruit juice, soft drink, coffee manufacture, abattoir, feed mill.
  • Organic chemicals – production of organic chemicals
  • Combustion activities – greenhouse gas emissions
  • Inorganic chemicals – producing inorganic chemicals such as metals, metal oxides, metal carbonyls or other inorganic compounds, manufacturing activity
  • Non ferrous metals – production of non ferrous metals by metallurgical, chemical or electrolytic activities, melting including making alloys of non ferrous metals
  • Pharmaceutical production – producing pharmaceutical products
  • Incineration and co-incineration of waste – Energy from Waste
  • Disposal of waste by landfill – Inert, Non Hazardous, Stable Non Reactive Hazardous Landfill
  • Disposal or recovery of hazardous waste – Hazardous waste transfer station, hazardous soil treatment facility, temporary storage of hazardous waste
  • Disposal, recovery of non hazardous waste – Composting, Clinical Waste Treatment, Anaerobic Digestion, Non Hazardous Waste Transfer Station, Materials Recycling Facility, Effluent Treatment Plant, Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment, End of Life Vehicle, Metal Recycling, Combined Heat and Power
  • Disposal, recovery of inert waste – Waste transfer station, waste recycling and treatment
    Permanent deposit of waste for recovery – Waste recovery plan, waste recovery permit


How Can ECL Help With Your Part A1 Environmental Permits?

Permit applications can sometimes seem challenging – for some they can be a tortuous and costly process to gaining approval, however, it does not have to be that way.

A Part A1 Environmental Permit Application can be a straightforward process providing the correct approach and level of information is taken with the Regulator and provided within the permit application documentation.

Production of any type of Environmental Permit from simple Standard Rules Environmental Permits through to Complex Tier 3 Bespoke Installation Environmental Permits.

ECL can provide guidance on the need for and type of Environmental Permit or any waste exemptions that may be applicable that will best suit client needs.

We will provide advice on the requirements to meet existing or future Emission Limit Values (ELVs) set in European Directives eg. Medium Combustion Plant Directive (MCPD), Industrial Emissions Directive (IED), Best Available Techniques (BAT) Documents, Best Available Techniques Reference Documents (BREFs), or relevant Sector Guidance.

ECL’s team can provide a comprehensive service to manage the complete Part A1 Environmental Permit Application process, from the initial pre-application liaison with the regulating body to the preparation and submission of the application to handling post-submission queries and Discharge of Pre-Operational or Improvement Conditions.

We undertake annual reporting on behalf of many of our clients with regards to energy, raw materials, waste returns, review of Fugitive Emissions and Annual Improvements Reporting.

ECL routinely produce Part A1 Environmental Permit Applications for new sites, Variations to Existing Environmental Permits, transfer and partial transfer of permits through to closure and Surrender of Environmental Permits.

Our experience on a wide range of permit applications allow us to guide our clients through the permitting process, offering as much or as  little support as is needed.

We can either provide total project management of the permitting application process, or work in conjunction with other project team members or technical consultants.

We provide clear, practical and operational and solution based advice that improves your environmental performance and compliance with environmental regulations.


Our Specific Environmental Permitting Services

Our services include:

  • Permit applications in England, Wales and Scotland, Northern Ireland
  • Pre-application advice and liaison with Environment Agency, Natural Resources Wales, Scottish Environmental Protection Agency, Northern Ireland Environment Agency
  • Preparation of Pre-application Advice – simple or complex
  • Project Management
  • Preparation of Permit Application Drawings
  • Completion of permit application forms, OPRA, Fee Calculation
  • WRAP Protocol – End of Waste Manufacture of Aggregate from Inert Waste
  • Regulatory Position Statements

ECL can also help with the preparation of permit application supporting documentation such as:

  • H1 Screening Assessment / D1 Calculation – Stack Height Screening Assessment and optimisation
  • Non Technical Summary
  • Environmental Risk Assessment (H1)
  • Fire Prevention Plan
  • Operating Techniques / Working Plan
  • Best Available Techniques (BAT) Assessment
  • Environmental Setting and Installation Design (ESID)
  • Landfill Engineering Design
  • Financial Provision
  • Air Quality Modelling and Assessment
  • Environmental Management Systems (from Company own system to ISO14001) and assistance with implementation into workplace
  • Odour Management Plan
  • Noise Management Plan
  • Dust Management Plan
  • Pest Management Plan
  • Fugitive Emission Plan
  • Accident Management Plan
  • Human Health Risk Assessment
  • Flood Risk Assessment
  • Site Condition Report
  • CHP- R Assessment
  • Surface Water Management Plan
  • Hydrogeological Risk Assessment
  • Landfill Gas Risk Assessment
  • Stability Risk Assessment
  • Site Closure Report
  • Commissioning Report
  • Phase 1, Phase II Ground Investigation and Reporting
  • Site Investigation
  • Environmental Monitoring – Groundwater, surface water, point source and Ambient Air Quality Monitoring, dust and particulate, odour, bioaerosol.


Your Experts In Part A1 Environmental Permits

Contact ECL via our Enquiry Form or call us on 01443 801215 for any queries regarding our wide range of Environmental Permitting services including Environmental Management Systems, Part A1 Environmental Permits and Local Authority Environmental Permits.


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