Environmental Management Assistance

Environmental Management Assistance ECL Banner

ECL offer a unique Environmental Management Assistance Service. This is a service where one of our experienced and knowledgeable environmental consultants will for all intents and purposes act as your Environmental Manager.

We have offered this service to our clients for a number of years and find it an extremely effective solution.


Our Environmental Management Assistance Service

Some companies are too small to have a dedicated Environmental Manager, yet need some specialist support.

Others are looking for assistance with dealing with the Environment Agency (EA), Natural Resources Wales (NRW), the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) or the Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA) and value the experience that people who deal with them on a daily basis can offer.

ECL can also step in when your company is just looking for someone to cover whilst a new recruit is being sourced or for maternity, paternity or long term sickness cover. ECL have the flexibility to cover all these eventualities.

The level of support can vary from undertaking annual reporting, assisting one day a quarter with reporting requirements, one day a month for ongoing support to multiple days each week.

ECL will assist with the preparation of the various Environmental Management Plans needed for Permit Condition Compliance and subsequent review on an ad-hoc basis.

Our dedicated and experienced environmental consultants can also assist your companies in-house environmental managers with Discharging of Pre-operational Conditions and Improvement Conditions for Environmental Permitting, whether this is just a review of documents prepared in-house or the requirement of providing additional resource if in-house personnel don’t have the time within their normal day to day work load.

ECL’s Environmental Management Assistance Service offers the following:

  • Regulatory compliance – if you are new to permitting, we can assist with auditing your Environmental Permit and providing a schedule of reporting requirements
  • Management Plans – our consultants have a wealth of experience in the preparation the following management plans which are required as part of some permits
  • Noise Management Plan
  • Dust Management Plan
  • Emissions Management Plan
  • Waste Management Plan or Waste Minimisation Plan
  • Water Management Plan or Water Minimisation Plan
  • Accident Management Plan
  • Flood Management Plan
  • Odour Management Plan
  • Pest Management Plan
  • Energy Management Plan


Helping Maintain Complete Environmental Compliance

ECL can also provide our environmental management assistance service for site visits and audits.

As our experienced environmental consultants deal with the various Environmental Agencies – the EA, NRW, SEPA or NIEA – on a daily basis, we can attend site visits and audits from these bodies to provide advice and support for our clients to ensure they are doing enough to be compliant but are not being pushed into requirements which are above and beyond what is required by relevant guidance and legislation.

Our consultants will often undertake a pre-audit visit and review the site’s performance in advance of visit from the regulatory authorities to ensure a site is adequately prepared for such visits.

We can provide Annual/Six-monthly/Quarterly/Monthly reporting requirements. As all environmental permits have some requirement for ongoing reporting to the various Environmental Agencies, ECL can collate the information required and submit to the agencies on your behalf, ensuring that all information is provided in the manner required.

If you are looking for a Permit Variation, ECL staff can undertake options appraisals and review the planned variation to ensure that the permit remains fit for purpose for the long term operation of a site by future proofing.

We’ll continually liase with regulators on your behalf. During any negotiations with these bodies, our consultants have the experience to ask the right questions and to “think outside the box” to develop innovative solutions which are acceptable to the EA, NRW, SEPA and NIEA and are also compliant with Best Available Techniques (BAT).

ECL can even provide bespoke Environmental Awareness Training All environmental permits carry the condition that all staff should be fully conversant with the requirements of the permit. We can provide bespoke training courses on each condition of the permit to explain to staff at all levels – from CEO’s to operatives – their obligations, thus being able to demonstrate to the EA, NRW, SEPA and NIEA a commitment to fully implementing the requirements of the permit. Training can also be provided on Environmental Management Systems.


Providing Full Environmental Management Assistance

Contact ECL via our Enquiry Form or call us on 01443 801215 for any queries regarding our wide range of Environmental Consultancy Services such as partial or full Environmental Management Assistance, Planning Applications, Environmental Due Diligence, Environmental Impact Assessments, and Environmental Permitting for Part A1 Environmental Permits and Local Authority Permits.

ECL are here to help.